

wpid-368916.jpg“You’ll be fascinated to learn (from me that hates novels) that I finally got round to Jane Austen and went out of my mind over Pride & Prejudice which I can’t bring myself to bring back to the library till you find me a copy of my own.” – Letter from Helene Hanff to Frank Doel at Marks & Co., Booksellers, May 11, 1952, as quoted in the book 84, Charing Cross Road, which if you haven’t read you should do so immediately

6 thoughts on “Quotable

  1. Ah Mags!!!!!84 Charing Cross road. Oh yes!!

    Look out for your e-mails Mags!!!
    Number 84 is situated opposite The Cambridge theatre just where Charing Cross Road meats Cambridge Circus. I hunted this place out.
    I saw Jesus Christ Superstar at The Cambridge Theatre back in the 70’s and that is a whole,, other mind blowing story. I digress. I do apologise, Mags.Didn’t realise that number 84 was on the other side of the road..


  2. Well quoted, Mags. And also worth remembering is the last letter Helene Hanff wrote to Frank Doel (Sept. 30, 1968): “I introduced a young friend of mine to Pride and Prejudice one rainy Sunday and she has gone out of her mind for Jane Austen. She has a birthday round about Hallowe’en, can you find me some Austen for her?” Sadly, Frank had none in stock that fall, and the next letter Helene got from 84 was the letter telling her that Frank had died. (Pause to wipe eyes.)


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