BRIDE AND PREJUDICE article roundup


There is still plenty of media attention on BRIDE AND PREJUDICE, since it is has not yet gone into wide release (that will happen this Friday, February 25).

Big Picture News (via the Chicago Sun-Times) has an article about Naveen Andrews, who plays Balraj, the Bingley character. The article is mostly about his new stardom related to the hit series LOST, but he also comments on his role in B&P.

He was also intrigued with jumping into the Bollywood film world. “Bride and Prejudice,” based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, is set in an Indian village where Mrs. Bakshi is trying to marry off her four beautiful daughters.

Andrews signed on because he liked the feel of the film.

“I thought it seemed like one of those ‘Bend It Like Beckham’ movies,” he says. “It had that raucous good feeling to it with a lot of joyful attitude.

“Let’s face it. It’s hard to be lighthearted in this day and age.”

The Toronto Sun (via has an article about Gurinder Chadha.

Chadha is happy to report that one of the results of her film is a renewed interest in Austen’s novel, Pride And Prejudice.

“You do feel as if you want to go and read it again,” she says, noting that because of the movie, the Jane Austen Society of North America has now made her an honorary lifetime member. “I was nervous about that reaction, but they love it.”

Scripps Howard News Service (via the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette) has an article about Alexis Bledel, who plays Georgiana Darcy, and apparently shares some of her character’s traits.

The 23-year-old star of “Gilmore Girls” doesn’t like to do interviews. She feels uncomfortable answering questions about herself and almost never comments on her personal life.

Yet even as she politely makes those limits known, she is gracious about why. “It’s almost more natural to be in character on a set,” she says. “That’s a controlled environment where you know where the boundaries are. In a public situation with reporters, it’s more evasive.

“It feels evasive to me.”

We were amused by this tidbit:

Shyness got her into show business. Her parents encouraged her to try community theater when she was 8 years old, hoping it would help her overcome her shyness.

We expect some enterprising fan fiction writer to run with that one!