Daily P&P3 news roundup


With the U.K. opening less than a month away, we have resigned ourselves to a daily roundup of news about P&P3, unless we eat pasta and fall asleep in the evening (as is our custom). Dorothy has promised to oblige with bracing pots of Orange Pekoe and has hidden the Tullamore Dew for the nonce. Nose to the grindstone!

Alert Janeite Robyn reports that comingsoon.net is listing an extra, non-trailer clip from P&P3 on their site. We have been unable to get it to load or download. We are privy to some information that makes us think that they might have been precipitate in posting it. *taps nose* Stay tuned. Enough said. If you can get the clip to work, post in the comments. Could be the gerbil on the wheel of the official AustenBlog World Headquarters computer went lame again. Links to four clips posted in comments.

Paul from KeiraWeb.com reports that the U.K. is getting their own official P&P3 site. The most interesting part is the link to sign up for “exclusive movie news, screenings and premiere invites.” We dare say that it gets you on the general Universal Pictures mailing list rather than a P&P3 specific one, so take that into consideration before you sign up.

And finally, Steven Matchett from the Australian pouts and stamps his itty bitty feet that there’s yet another P&P adaptation being made, because everyone knows that Jane Austen is borrrrrrring. Poor deluded soul.