Special issue of Persuasions On-line features papers from Chawton House conference


We have been remiss in linking a special issue of Persuasions On-line, JASNA’s digital journal, featuring papers given at last summer’s Chawton House conference, “New Directions in Austen Studies.”

5 thoughts on “Special issue of Persuasions On-line features papers from Chawton House conference

  1. StephenB

    The article by Laurie Kaplan about ‘Lost in Austen’ is a very interesting and astute analysis of the appeal of this film – even though its deliberate anachronisms annoy some austenites!


    • An advantage that the unwashed, fanfic-reading “Janeites” enjoy over the academics is that we recognize a Mary Sue when we see one; a concept unfortunately not covered in literature classes. šŸ˜‰


      • Kathleen Glancy

        You are so right – I was there at Ms Kaplan’s talk and actually suggested the LIA writer had made a study of the Mary Sue school of fan fiction. Several of the audience (I would take them to be academics – none of them liked LIA and one got very exercised over the inclusion of solid chocolate, which was not actually invented until 30 years after Jane Austen’s death) asked me afterwards what that was.


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