January/February 2011 issue of Jane Austen’s Regency World available


Jane Austen's Regency World Issue 49We heard from Jane Austen’s Regency World Magazine, which has gone on sale in the UK. (We are asked to tell overseas subscribers, particularly in the U.S. and Canada, that due to the recent severe weather in the UK, delivery of the new issue may be delayed by 7-10 days.) To whet your appetite, check out the articles in the new issue:

Sense & Sensibility at 200: Leading writers look at the history, relevance, importance and morality of Jane Austen’s first published novel

What price Paradise? Life as a Jewish person in Regency England

Wives by Advertisement: The risks and rewards of Georgian lonely hearts’ adverts

Jane Austen and Robert Burns: What she really thought about the Scottish poet

Jane Austen edited by a man: One writer’s angry response to recent news reports

The new curator at Jane Austen’s House Museum reveals what Jane means to her

Plus: All the latest news from the world of Jane Austen, as well as letters, book reviews, quiz, competition and news from JAS and JASNA

For further information and to subscribe visit www.janeaustenmagazine.co.uk. If you subscribe now, we believe you will receive the January/February issue as part of your subscription.

Also: The March/April 2011 issue of Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine will be the 50th issue! Wow!

4 thoughts on “January/February 2011 issue of Jane Austen’s Regency World available

  1. anievan

    Thanks for the info!

    Anybody know if the issue is available in the U.S. on newsstands? I can’t get a subscription, but this issue sounds great so I’d splurge.

    Thanks much.


      • anievan

        Thank you, Mags. That’s so kind, but don’t trouble yourself, please! There’s way too much to do this time of year! I’ll just get a back copy. Thanks for keeping us updated on JA stuff and congrats on your novella.

        Happy Holidays : )


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