Austen Funnies


Alert Janeite Emily sent us a cartoon that made us giggle.

Alert Janeite Maria sent us a clipping from NewsBiscuit about an alarming rise in coquettish behavior among British young ladies–which the press are blaming on Jane Austen! Just imagine.

4 thoughts on “Austen Funnies

  1. ‘I know not, gentle sir,’ she replied, ‘but may he have a thousand pounds a year and a sizeable estate in Derbyshire!’ Of course I threw her arse in the cells, the cheeky @#$%&.’ HEHEHE!! 😀

    NewsBiscuit comes through again!!


  2. Only a thousand pounds a year and a sizeable estate in Derbyshire? I think they left out a zero. 😉

    Too funny. And other news journalist claim that Jane Austen has been overdone by the BBC et al. Even in jest, JA is still influencing and is everywhere!


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